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Thursday, June 17, 2010
Lots of people have been talking about chobots.in lately....so i decided to check it out! Apparently .in is for India and .de is for Germany. Wow. chobots is really spreading all over the world! :)
Here is what i found at .in:
-They have the old chobots figure
-their map is the old one
-their mailbox isnt updated with all the fancy symbols and such
-the cloths catalogue is the same, they just dont have a crown or masks catalogue
-their wardrobe is the old one (without the buttons)
Hmm. i wonder why? o.O

So I took some screenshots! here they are :)

This is me in .in! Cow Mission....Lol. :P

My wardrobe...too bad tey dont give cloths to new accs. :\

The old beta map, as you can see....

And finally, the store! :D

Let meh know what you guys think...




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